Land of the Lustrous


Legged Robot Articulation from Various References

Study the past if you would define the future.

This is a summary of my presentation in my second Rinko at the University of Tokyo. In this Rinko, I chose the topic of Learning-Based Methods for Legged Robot Articulation from Various References....


『夢と知りせば 覚めざらましを』

枫原万叶 原神里面有个角色叫枫原万叶,他的名字可能来自于万叶集,我之前看他的PV里有“深山踏红叶,耳畔闻鹿鸣”,之后今天看百人一首,发现第五首就是这个和歌: 奥山に 紅葉踏みわけ 鳴く鹿の 声きく時ぞ 秋は悲しき 之后我看了一下他的技能,我才注意到他的人物形象设定有一个很大的要素就是和歌…可能是我没抽到万叶的缘故… 他的元素技能名称“千早振”(千早振(ちはやぶ)る),是日本...

Learning-based quadruped robot visual locomotion

"Citius, Altius, Fortius"

This is a summary of my presentation in my first Rinko at the University of Tokyo. Rinko (輪講) is a course for each graduate student to join mandatorily until their graduation in the EEIS Department...


Before learning how to write Japanese essays

这篇文章的主要目的是研究如何使用键盘输入日语,如何标注送假名等,使得笔者自己能够在电脑中无障碍输入日语任何字符,从而为之后的日语写作打下基础。笔者自己现在在日本留学,因为走的英语项目,所以现在日语一塌糊涂,正在疯狂恶补中。因为不是科班出身,所以内容可能有错误,如果发现的话希望能够不吝指出。 一. Windows 日语输入法 1.1 输入法与快捷键 对于微软的输入法而言,正常情况下我们的...

Deep Learning for Computer Vision II

Self note for CS231n course

Here is the second half part of the notes for CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition from Stanford University. This part includes the different network architectures, some app...

Deep Learning for Computer Vision I

Self note for CS231n course

Here is the first half part of the notes for CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition from Stanford University. The official notes are published on the course website. Since the...

Essense of Linear Algebra

A brief note for 3Blue1Brown videos

Essence of Linear Algebra “There is hardly any theory which is more elementary than linear algebra, in spite of the fact that generations of professors and textbook writers have obscured its si...

Lie Theory for the Roboticist

Local is part of global

Lie Theory for the Roboticist Why we need Lie theory? 作为全文的开始,在不引入其他概念的情况下简要回答一下这个问题。因为我们需要在机器人学中研究旋转与位姿估计,而这一切通常都是由齐次坐标下的矩阵运算完成的。但显然,我们很难研究矩阵的微小扰动和求导。以一个很常见的最小二乘法为例,考虑一个待估计的旋转矩阵$\mathbf{R}$和位姿真值...

Quiz answers for 16-385 Computer Vision

Some interesting small questions for computer vision

Answers This note is my answers of 16-385 Computer Vision take-home quiz. I’d appreciate it if you could point out the errors in my answers. If there are any mistakes, please send an email to yubi...

My First Blog

"Hello World, Hello Blog"

For the land of the lustrous “Yeah It’s on. ” Yubin 的 Blog 就这么开通了。 感谢 Hux 大神提供的 Jekyll 模板,让我自己没事随便写点又不知道放哪的东西终于有了一个呆着的地方。这篇文章记录一下自己的博客开通的过程,也作为对自己首次用 Jekyll 写博客的测试。从 Hexo 折腾到 Jekyll,终于找到了一个大...